A few weeks ago, I was feeling rather depressed. I had just come from a beautiful wedding where I watched two people beam as they pledged their lives to each other. The reception was beautiful, and I thoroughly enjoyed the company at my table and the dancing later. As I was driving home, the tears started falling. “God, do you know how hard it is to watch people be so happy and not know if I’ll ever have that too?” I asked. “Why am I still alone, God? What am I not doing? Am I not good enough, pretty enough, loveable enough? Do I come with too much baggage? Am I too intelligent for the men I meet? Everyone else around me is so happy that I feel like I have to put on a smile and pretend like everything is okay. But it’s not. Is it wrong for me to want to share my life with someone, is it wrong to want a relationship? Are those desires that will never be fulfilled by a person, but only by you? Why have you called me to walk such a difficult road?” As I lamented my situation (which, oddly enough is where the last post came from), I decided that I would simply be still and listen to God’s voice instead of continue talking. But all I heard were the devil’s lies. You’re not pretty enough. You’re just not loveable. Who could love you, when you carry so much baggage, so many medical bills and doctors visits? Why do you even think that you could be loved? Why are you trying anymore? Just accept it. You’re going to be alone. The devil whispered (okay, screamed) his lies. And I believed them.
After church the next Sunday, I went to ALDI to buy groceries. Just your typical day at the grocery store, not really crowded. As I rounded the corner onto the aisle with all the papertowel and toilet paper, I stopped to check my list. Just then, a man came up behind me and said, “I think you forgot something.” Confused, I looked around to make sure I hadn’t dropped anything behind me and that my outfit was still intact and that I still had my wallet and keys. The man continued to walk ahead in the aisle, clearly on a mission to get some cheese. I finally decided that I hadn’t forgotten anything, and the man was just messing with me, as some people are apt to do. As he came back up the aisle only minutes later, holding his cheese, he leaned over to me and said, “You forgot that you are beautiful.” Utterly taken aback, I turned around to see if I knew who he was, and he was gone. Nowhere to be seen. (And ALDI is a small store!)
I subsequently put this event out of my mind, assuming that the man was just messing with me to get a reaction. Until now. Until I’ve finally gotten up the courage to face the devil’s lies. On my drive home yesterday, I started thinking about these lies of the devil again, and this event came to mind. Bewildered, I began wondering if God had placed this disappearing man (dare I say angel?) in ALDI that day because He knew what I needed to hear. This stranger reminded me (albiet weeks later) that I am beautiful because I was created in the image of God. He reminded me that I am worth everything to Christ because He died for me. He reminded me that I am loveable – Jesus loved me enough to stretch out His arms and die on a cross. He reminded me that although I carry baggage, it is worth every pound of medical equipment, worth every dollar in bills, and worth all the time with doctors because it has brought Him glory, and it has brought me daily to the foot of the cross. I may not be worth anything to anyone else on this earth, but I am worth everything to God. I may not matter to anyone else on this earth, but I matter to God. I may not be beautiful in the eyes of the world, but I am beautiful to God. And that’s all that matters. Who I am in His eyes.
The devil still screams his lies. And there are sure to be days that I will still believe them. But I know that God has placed me here, in this place, at this time, with these people, for a purpose. It’s going to be difficult – that’s a promise. But He is with me. And to Him, I am a beautiful mess. With all my screw ups and fake outs, with all my lies and wrongdoings, with all my doubts and my fears, with my stubbornness and defense mechanisms, I am beautiful. With all my baggage and intimidating intelligence, with all my love for people and my faltering resolve, with my heart for worship, and mouth that sings His praises, with that same tongue that is the downfall of much, with my instruments and my voice, I am beautiful. And I am loved. In His eyes, I am a treasure in a field, a rare find. And in His eyes, I am worth everything.
Beloved, you too are worth everything to Him. Please don’t be tempted to think otherwise. But if you need a reminder, remember that God knows what you need, and he may even send a stranger to tell you what you needed to hear.
oh, my dear. this is beautiful. THANK YOU.
lovely post, Kristen
This brought tears to my eyes. I truly believe that God puts people (and angels sometimes) into certain places and situations when He wants us to hear something. Once, the day after having my heart broken by the one guy I ever thought I loved, convinced that I was destined to be alone and that no one would ever want me, I was walking along the sidewalk when this old man stepped out in front of me, and said “You have a kind face. One day you will find a kind man. Trust the Lord.” And then he walked away. I stood there, stunned and then walked to my destination tears pouring down my face because in that old man’s voice I heard God’s. You are wonderful and I thank you for posting so candidly and beautifully.