Plans change

It’s funny how things don’t normally turn out the way you think they will, or should.  We can have a plan all we want, but that plan may (and often will) change.  I was reminded of this yesterday as the plans I had for my afternoon were changed in an instant, but not necessarily in a bad way.  I had worked 6-11 am at the pool and then ran some errands and around 2 walked over to the science building to do some research work for six or more hours.  I ran into the lab instructor and classroom instructor for the general chemistry class that I’m the ta for at the moment and they asked if I could help out during the lab that day because the students were struggling with the concept.  I said that I could, even though it meant giving up what I had wanted to do that afternoon.  I helped out in the lab, and it was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had in the years I’ve ta’d here.  When students walk in not knowing anything about Lewis dot structures, and molecular modeling, and walk out with understanding (perhaps not a complete understanding, but very near to one), it is rewarding.  I had a review session scheduled last night too, and even though it was only scheduled to go until eight pm, I stayed and worked with one of the students until almost ten o’clock.  Again, it was a rewarding experience to see this student understand what he/she was learning, and to see that lightbulb click on.

So yes, it wasn’t how I had planned to spend my afternoon, but it was a completely different, probably better and more important experience.  I had helped students understand, and I had been back where I love to be – teaching, learning from the students and the professors, helping hands-on, and seeing things click for students.  I never realized how much I love teaching and seeing people understand what they are being taught.  I love doing research, yes, and learning that way, and seeing it when it works, and the process – I love everything about it.  But I also love teaching (I don’t mind grading either).

I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I know that my plans can change in an instant, as they did yesterday.  I know that God has it all under control, and he meant for that to happen yesterday, and to teach me something through it.  I know that he has a plan for my life and will follow it through to completion, and that when it is my time, he will take me home.


God, when I’ve done all you’ve wanted me to do, say all you’ve wanted me to say, gone all the places you’ve wanted me to go, take me home.


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